Seraphim_Arios Super Cruiser
Not rated

By bassist412
03/26/2011 - 03:04:15

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.67 (Not rated)
Tags: bassist412, cruiser, seraphim, the galactic struggle, the seraphim


The Arios Super Cruiser is a larger and more powerful version of the battle cruiser. This monster is even more heavily armed and protect, and can carry numerous fighters into battle with it. The Super Cruisers are currently the pride of The Seraphim fleet.


By Schultz7

What is the species Seraphim?

By DraconousIII

I like the natural colors and placement, I may take a gander at your other creations since this one's pretty awesome. R+

By dragonkohan

Love this ship. It is a work of Art.


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