Finnish language symposium
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By Lintuperhonen
03/09/2011 - 18:42:42
Type: Factory building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: lintuperhonen
Tämä keskustelupalsta on avoin kaikille suomen kielestä kiinnostuneille. Keskustelut käydään höyryävän kuuman kahvikupin ympärillä./ This forum is open for everyone who's intrested of Finnish language. We'll talk around a cup of steamingly hot coffee.
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By Lintuperhonen
@ Homer-dude2: Well, Finnish is not related to Indo-Europian languages, so its only significiant related languages are Humgarian, Estonian, Karelian and Saami.
By Homer-dude2
ohh...kay...seems to be just as hard as russian...even for i'm half german and half american and having expirience with european laguages it is hard to guess the meaning.Even german is easier than that...
By Lintuperhonen
Well, a little. But it's got many different words and it also doesn't have vowel harmony
By DH106
Seems plausible - Estonian looks very similar to Finnish in writing, except it has more ü... Can You understand Estonian?
By Lintuperhonen
Well, that's because Finnish is not related to Indo-Europian languages. Some linquistics say, that Finnish, Estonian and Carelian are just distinct dialects of a single language, like continental Scandinavian languages.
By DH106
...words in other comparable languages. About the only words in Finnish I picked up during the occasional visit to Helsinki are Yksy and Kaksi, and if on a restaurant it says Kiinalainen, it has Chinese cuisine.
By DH106
To me, Finnish is distinguished by the fact that while one can read the words, it is near-impossible to get some clue of their meaning. With Romance, Germanic or Slavic languages, a bit of knowledge of one is usually enough to at least recognize some...