Marcos Mantis GT
Not rated

By EllipsisMotors
03/07/2011 - 21:44:21
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: auto, car, ellipsismotors, elolli, mantis, request, sports
Requested by Knoxinton.
- I've never really even heard of this car til now... The hood may be the most complicated thing ever.
---Created by EllipsisMotors---
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By dbtracerbullet
Wow. I dont even know how to describe your creations' glory......
By CloudyVision
Excellent! You did the hood really well.
By LeBishop
Super Sweet Ride! Awesome design and detail! R+ Really Nice!
By Knoxinton
Love it!
By L1G3R
oh dang that's hot... is this based on a real car? great job on the hood, did you use Freedom Cheat?
By M5000
I've always loved this car a lot. when I first saw it I thought it was some college's engineering project on a Dodge Viper. How about a Panoz GTR-1 or a B-Engineering Edonis?
By 95screenname13
How about a Ferrari Enzo next? That's my favorite car.
By 95screenname13
I can't believe you actually made this! It's perfect! Amazing job. You nailed the headlights and hood.
By EllipsisMotors
Doing this made me start thinking I should do a tuned Supra. Im still taking requests.