Not rated

By Oligodendrocyte
02/15/2011 - 16:49:55

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: cactus, cave, cavern, creature, creatures, critter, critters, danger, desert, dry, evil, explore, gem, gems, hill, jewel, jewels, monster, monsters, mountain, peril, reward, rock, shelter, spelunking, treasure, tunnel


Find your way though a group of large desert caves.



By Oligodendrocyte

After that the numbers steadily rose until they reached 635. It stopped there, and then suddenly jumped to 957 in mid-April. From then on, they haven't changed at all, and I have no idea why.

By Oligodendrocyte

Hmm. I published this adventure in February, and for about two weeks, no one played it. I checked the plays, I had 0, and the next day, it was 54.

By awesome24712

That's a LOT of plays!!!! I have no idea why so many people played it!!!!!

By sefmonsta

Looks like you've gone to town on these adventures - I'll have a go later!


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