Tresure hunt
Not rated

By prowox010
02/10/2011 - 06:16:34

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: 010, adventure, beautiful, celebritys, city, clues, diamonds, fun, funny, gold, green, hollyday, island, isle, juvels, ocean, paradise, pirate, provox, provox010, quest, riddles, sea, tourism, tourists, town, tresure, vacation, village


Paradise island. It's a popular place for tourists and many celebritys visit here every year. But you are not here to enjoy the atracktions: You are here to search for an pirate tresure! With the help of clues you can find it. Let the tresure hunt begin!



By prowox010

Hi everynody! I'm back after a brake of Spore (my internet didn't work) with new ideas, new ways to make better adventures AND new better fixed language!!! I have a couple of iadventure ideas left, I will do them soon sokeep your eyes open!


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