Covenant Corvette
Not rated

By Frogger1093
02/06/2011 - 20:50:07

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.06 (Not rated)
Tags: 1093, capital ship, corvette, covenant, covenant corvette, elite, flood, forerunner, frog, frogger, frogger1093, frogs, halo, halo reach, noble, noble team, prophet, reach, space, unsc


**#4 MPN 2/7/11**


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By Dinoctrobob

Sweet. Looks identical to the real one! Awesome job!

By panda023

looks like the real one nice job

By shadok2012

Cool sux about the cancel. Me and two friends are currently working on a "halo wars 2" which I am still modeling for

By shadok2012

Right sorry about the copy, I had to whip something together rather quick, but I did edit it a fair amount. So what is this indie game that your friend is making called?

By fishman0422

THAT is one AWESOME spaceship!!! R+!!

By Chief72

Jesus crist spot on

By raptor42

wow good job!

By RG4327

Wow, it looks just like it!!!

By Fujii

wow, this looks perfect! Try making a Saber next!

By Gloob99

Hi Frogger1093, i made a new adventure called spore RPG. Could you try it?

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