Plz read
Not rated

By chandlermonaco
01/27/2011 - 22:08:40

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: animal, blue, celcelsia, draco, drogoth, emily, fast, hedgehog, hero, hype, malvado, sega, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, speed, zen


Before i try to make my new acount, KimberBrighitay, and move to it, i want you to tell you my story (Read the comments)


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By chandlermonaco

That's all that i can tell you. Seeo ya on my new acount KimberBrighitay!

By chandlermonaco

I like Grunts and Elites form Halo because Elites got there nickname "Split-lips" and Grunts flees when there leaders are killed.(DUH!)

By chandlermonaco

I often do facepalms when i see a stupid thing on AFV(Americas funniest home videos) and laugh at vids like "Hurdles Hurt-a-Little jokes".

By chandlermonaco

Loads of 5th graders know me at school.

By chandlermonaco

My most favorete freind at school days is Kayle Mahoney.

By chandlermonaco

My most favorete movie characters are Megamind(Megamind released on 2010) and Freddy Kreger(Nightmare on Elm street and syquils)

By chandlermonaco

My favorete colors are purple and cyan.

By chandlermonaco

I don't like mature content,(Exepct blood and violence) nudity, and pedothopias.(Im watching you Inferno!)

By chandlermonaco

I often take sleep for 10 hours.

By chandlermonaco

I like playing on XBOX Live and working on my noval im working on at school call 'Kimber'.

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