I'm Back!
Not rated

By carbon493
01/16/2011 - 06:40:58

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.31 (Not rated)
Tags: carbon493, koncept


After being absent from Spore since last Novebmer, I have come back. Got busy playing Hot Pusuit and Burnout. Anyway, for some reason my subscriberswent up by 40 to 140 while I was awsy. Not complaining, just sayin'. Cya'!


By earll

i'd hate to be the poor sucker climbin those stairs XD great work

By Ti-7-4Raven

Welcome back :) I took a vacation too, mine was due to frustration with Spores bugs though >.> On the bright side I managed to get some of my OLD old stuff back into my creations on this reinstall...can't get it to read my planets though :'(

By JordanScott


By 95screenname13

Lol, you never told me about that gift. I'll take it anyway though. ;P

By aidan98



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