Rise of the Mechlons - Day 1
Not rated

By TheBuzzard
12/30/2010 - 12:50:56

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: gu, lost contact, mechlon


Hanajar - Home of the hanajii people. You arrive here on important business for the Galactic Union. However, soon things get out of hand.
Part 1 of 5



By Mr_Angelus_Guy

Oh, great! A new series to add to my sporecast "Storybook"!

By NexusGamer

Fun little mission. It says "lost contact" in the tags, does this mean its part of the series or something?

By Colian

Looks fun...

By TheBuzzard

Odd... works fine for me. Try plsying the adventure again. I can't seem to see any way for any of the people you talk to to die on the first act.

By 10spi0

hwy did the gy you gonna talk with die when i got beamed down?


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