RA LI-63 Atmospeherical Fighter
Not rated

By Medorthians
12/10/2010 - 05:05:45

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


Classified as a Space fighter, as well as a lower-atmospherical fighter, the LI has a multitude of roles, as well as weapons. It usually fights on the lower-atmos. although can be used as "planet guards," in the higher atmos.


By kitty2373

That's Really Cool! R+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

By Medorthians

[cont] mistake: who plummeted down to planet Uio-78, an enemy attempt to capture the planet.

By Medorthians

Named for young, Katosin Ki Li, a 23 year old [45 by earth standard] Rusin, who died while engaging in a 98 average G fight while being chased by enemy fighters, who froze the engines of the enemy's who plummeted down to. LI suffered the same fate.

By aidan98

Woah! Cool!

By Medorthians

Wow. Mostly built out of tipped plugs...


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