
By shadewolf16
11/30/2010 - 05:09:14

Type: Factory building
Rating: 2.14 (Good)
Tags: very nice to others.i just..ugh i feel so deppressed..i cant draw..i cant think of anything "awesome" i just feel broken..well..see you guys later...dont expect me on much..


i dont know why but i just cant help but feel deppressed...especially when my birthday is next week on tuesday (dec.7) but its on a school day(HISSSS) and i just want peace and quiet that day,plus my friends are saying lightbulb is a jerk when he is -tags


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By Irken--invader68

i didn make that... spaster did, but thanks... and thats old anyways...

By 95galaxy119

Bye Click. I'm no longer on SPORE. U_U

By Urnam7


By Urnam7

And you would be perfect for the female part. Here is the link to the lines in the link! Please audition!

By Urnam7

Clicky, can you please audition for the only female part in this video I'm making? Please, I really need actors and nobody has auditioned yet!

By thomasbradley

not good at drawing? I may or may not understand, but I'm no too good either. I personally dont do it for quality, but more as a reliever of stress.

By 95galaxy119

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Ryan1098


By 95galaxy119

Sister?!?!?!?!?!?! =""""""""{ PLEASE BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By 95galaxy119

Get better Sis. =""""""""""""""{

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