By Sevensins
11/22/2010 - 07:13:15
Type: House building
Rating: 11.67 (Good)
Tags: art, bc, bow, canada, coast, fist, gaprop, go, hbs, nations, sevensins, teepee, tent, tepee, west, yay!
The art work on the front of the tepee is best viewed in the editor. It is no masterpiece but its worth a look. You can also go inside and smoke a peace pipe by the fire =)
Please take a look in the editor =)
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By minastrith
holy crap this is the best teepee yet but i saw somebody stole it!
By tuinahvuni
P.S. I used your tepee in the Old West and Tars used quite a few of your things in the Grecian Harbor scene - we are most grateful :)
By tuinahvuni
Thanks again for the use of your amazing work. Did you get to see the videos yet? You can find them all on the contest OP on the forum. You rock my friend!
By NickB95
This is awsome sevensins! Saw it on the time traveler video! Also, I gotta know how you made that tepee.
By alanw
By Dark_Heroics
sounds good, can't wait to see what you make next :D
By darwinken
Missed this when it came out. Excellent work on the emblem The bow sitting by the door is a nice touch.
By GlowingBoy
Very cool. I like the details you added in the front and the colors are great. Well done.
By WideWonder
This is a really great TeePee, by the way! R++ again!!!
By WideWonder
Did you open the Peppermint Doll House in the editor, so she could look inside?
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