Trailer~Galactic War II
Not rated

By Razorator_O
11/20/2010 - 15:38:37

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.11 (Not rated)
Tags: awesome, conqrix, destroya, fps, galactic senate, galactic war ii, gaseries, grox, gwii, killing, razorator_o, spore, trailer, warzone


"The galaxy of Nestax-II is being invaded by Grox and there minions The Conqrix! But this time some of the species of Nestax-II have foolishly joined the Grox and its army! It is up to the Galactic Senate and some of the still fighting empires to save Nestax-II in order to bring justice and order to the galaxy and even the universe itself!" Welcome to a new GAseries that is in-project. This new series offers new and more detailed enviroments, intense warzone-like fighting, more species other then Conqrix to slaughter and a new FPS(First-Person Shooter)gameplay! But other then my other failed series this one will be much harder. Keep reading comments for daily updates on when the series will come out. Have a nice day! Also check 2nd-4th pictures for a taste of what the adventure series may look like. |Rated T for Sci-fi Violance, Mild Language, Mild Blood and Intense Awesomesauce.|Sponsered by SPORE.



By superted64

I swear i see purple larkrax in the second picture....

By superted64

ummmmm...... that was a phail whale. Anyways, are you gonna continue the Larkrax kinda thing, liek include it in your storyline, cause iam.

By superted64

Looks good, playing it.

By superted64


By superted64

well somone has been buys... :)

By murdick

First person....0_o

By murdick

Intense awesomesauce? WTH DUDE!!!!!

By ToastyRob

This sounds like it could be epic. Look forward to seeing what comes of it.

By Razorator_O

Official Thread for AdventureSeries: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/66376.page


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