Red Army 'Carnez' LUV Carrier
Not rated

By Medorthians
11/19/2010 - 03:02:18

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


This LUV, is usually used as a scout, and a well, LUV. This is a specific carrier. It can be used for troops as well as a solid transporter. There is also a version for the Blue Enforcer Team. This team is the police counterpart of the Red Army.


By hendrixWinter


By luckyburdock

Looks quite well armoured to me. Good work.

By MetaGamesInc

If I can still enter your contest, I should have something put together by tomorrow. ANd, I'll put my ad on Spore Motors to see if I can get more people to join. -M

By kitty2373

If Fact, I'm Taking A Break From Spore...... For A LONG Time....

By EchoSierraAlpha

I luv it! (pun intended)

By ShowerDough

I agree, very nice work on the interior, and great details.

By CloudyVision

Cool, I like the interior.

By Medorthians

This does not have the appropriate stats because of Mr. Complexity. The thing that bugs us most.

By Medorthians

This version has the optional 13.5 MG as well as extra armor, that bogs it's speed down from 123 mph to 115.


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