Red Army APC 'Superbus'
Not rated

By Medorthians
11/16/2010 - 01:41:44

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


Built on a multipurpise chassis, the superbus is commonly seen on just battlefields, before and after a war. The duty of this vehicle is to bring troops in, or to take refugees in. This has only one optional 13.5mm mg for protection.


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By elukka67

I sence a disturbance in the forc... ...i mean armor! That HUGE ventalation is also a HUGE weack spot! Othervice nice vehicle! Although the MG looks like giant-ass AT-cannon =)

By hendrixWinter

By the way, have you tried Luckyburdock-style tracks?

By hendrixWinter

That's a nice APC you've got going there. I like the MG and its shields, and the bulldozer-thingie on the front.

By HRmatthew

It's too big though, unless of course it's a Mark 19 or something.

By Medorthians

The MG is for protection.

By Medorthians

Well, if you read the description it said that this vehicle was not for the use of infantry, it is for transportation.

By luckyburdock

One thing - that vent on the side is a huge weakness. I could literally toss a grenade down there, and it provides an easy place to shoot. Make vents very small, and preferably on the top so it's hard to hit.

By luckyburdock

Interesting work. I think the MG looks a bit too big, but the shape looks well armoured. Good work.

By MetaGamesInc

Only saying. I thought the gun was a lot smaller, giving me the impression that everyone inside would be cramped... It was an honest oversight on my part.

By kitty2373

So, Right Now Would Be A Great Time For Sugesting Gifts! So What Do U Want!?

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