Corrosive 1

By Sevensins
11/04/2010 - 18:48:04

Type: House building
Rating: 6.67 (Good)
Tags: chemical, corrosive, miniature, plant, sevensins, sign, warning


Here is another version of the corrosive warning. The plant is pretty cool too. Check it out in the editor =)

I saved the City Hall for last because the design of the sign intimidated me but now I'm ready to try it. Stay tuned =)


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By Clixe

awesome warning, looks just perfect R+

By Alex25695

Awesome :D all ur hazard signs have turned out really well :) This one must have been pretty hard but u have still kept it accurate :)

By alanw

omg... O.O all these kinds are great (Note: every creation I had commented is rated + :-)


Great sign!

By jmsmitty1


By NickB95


By Reyes1

Awesome work. the image on the left, is pretty much how it went down when I spilled the acid on me :/. washed it of it two seconds flat, but still burnt like hell

By Pezzalis

This one is awesome, really good work on the building and sign ^^

By Sakiara

This is a very cool and creative idea. I like that you combined a silhouette picture with an actual building. Fantastic shapes and colors too. Looks great and awesome set. Well done :)

By Ge1iON

Stunning detail drawings! I like the color and appearance. Perfect!

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