C-17 Multirole Fighter
Not rated

By Medorthians
11/03/2010 - 00:28:59

Type: Colonial air vehicle
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


As the name suggests the C-17 has many fields, but is specialized in assault and defense. 4 seeking missiles, 2 nuclear, a Vulcan cannon and a K-54 heavy machine gun all help it successfully complete missions. A bomb bay is also supplied along with a mach 4 speed.. However it has a somewhat cluncky shape.


By EchoSierraAlpha

oh, and a final tip: try using at least two to three different textures for the main body. it helps highlight different areas and can make the difference between an OK creation and a good one ;)

By EchoSierraAlpha

P.S. I recommend avoiding using cheats if you start with freedom, you will later find it hard to limit yourself when making good 'legal' units because you are used to using many parts. (i.e, civ and adventure-capable units).

By EchoSierraAlpha

half a year? huh. I estimated that you have been playing spore for double that, judging from your quality. you show alot of potential... try to turn that into skill :P

By EchoSierraAlpha

Finally, and this the most important bit, you need to practice. After a while, it will become natural... good luck! (btw, your aircraft's nose should be straighter or at least pointing down, it will look better (look at my FB-32e and SU-29f for examples.)

By EchoSierraAlpha

Additionally, using assymetry on everything can effectively half your complexity (hold 'A' and click a piece). This allows you to add alot more pieces than you ever could without it... (part 2)

By EchoSierraAlpha

Nice fighter! regarding your comment; here are a few tips: when creating a vehicle, use about three quaters of the complexity, then use the rest to add stuff like armor and weapons inside the vehicle to make it have 'perfect' stats... (part 1)

By kitty2373

Thank U For All The Compliments! Cool Ship!

By Medorthians

Good point.

By MetaGamesInc

If the White missiles are nuclear, why are they on the outside? I would've put them closer in so they don't get accidentally shot by other fighters... But nice fighter otherwise!


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