The Dragon's Eye

By Nomicakes
10/29/2010 - 16:44:33

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 12.14 (Good)
Tags: dragonseye, gift, nomicakes


A Nomicake Technology Laboritories ship, the 'Dragon's Eye' is specially crafted, designed, and assembled by a team of engineers wholly devoted to the worship of the one and only 'Dragonseye,' a master ship builder.

This is their gift to him.


By Unobtainium

Aww ^^ feel the love of the creators! It's good to see dedication creations from respected guys it makes the world go round :) And nobody deserves it more than my closest riva.. friend, i said friend. ^^ R+

By kddafh15

very nice ship... great design,shape,and wings... r plus.

By HRmatthew

Awesome ship, I like the segmented-like wings near the back. The paint looks pretty nice as well. R+ :D

By Rontti970

Great! I love the details and colouring. R+

By Dragonseye

Wow. I am speechless, and more than a little humbled. Thank you. Thank you very much!

By hiverne

Coolenstein! Really well put together. I agree, dragonseye rules. ®+

By Emmal_II



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