Not rated
10/10/2010 - 02:19:25
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: soylentgreen
Grendle is a new model Spartan Class Mech. Heavier defense armour and twice the firepower.
Grendle is usually dispatched to end oncoming assaults quickly.
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By Turtlecollector
Well, when you DO have time, I think it'll be fun to "work" together!
By Turtlecollector
Yeah, I'm having a hard time FINDING time for Spore during middle school...
By Turtlecollector
I'm going around, asking some people with talent if they would like to help out and make some creations for my new series coming out called The Files. If you want to help out with me, please reply back! (I'm not a mindreader, you know!) XD
By Turtlecollector
Thanks, I haven't gotten a comment in a few days after I last talked to Plumcat...
By cpelite
Awesome! Reminds me of the E-squad. And what about the spore cafe'?
By LMAOlabs
Koolio man! You're really great at making these! Oh, and those wings just tie the whole thing together!
By luckyburdock
Great use of parts here, mechs are fun aren't they?
By ThagelBief
wowzers. =o
By tomographics
Awesome!!! Incredibly cool work. Really like the yellow colour. R++