Not rated


By Kaleon
10/06/2010 - 05:02:08

Type: Captain
Rating: 1.69 (Not rated)
Tags: kaleon, kamorra, kamorran, soldier, xenophobic


(I felt that the original model was outdated and in need of some touch-ups now that I know what the heck I'm doing in the editor.)

Kamorrans trace their roots to ancient nocturnal desert predators. Intelligence normally evolves in creatures that have no other natural weapons of survival (IE: humans), but in a hostile desert environment where EVERY predator is highly weaponized, Kamorrans had to either win the lottery or perish. Their claws are still sharp and their legs are still able to propel them up to 25 mph.

Modern Kamorrans are a highly xenophobic race, and for good reason. Their first alien encounter was with humans, and shortly afterwards it was discovered that Kamorran bone marrow contains a rare variety of stem cell that can be used to delay human aging. A predictable series of murders followed by bad diplomacy resulted in the short but devastating Corinthian War, and the Kamorrans decided that they'd rather stay as distant as possible from other species that might try to harvest them for medicine. Nowadays the only Kamorrans ever seen in the flesh by outsiders are traders and soldiers, and they're always armed.

Their body armor incorporates an electromagnetic mapping technique that allows a properly-trained user to "see" using any surface of the body. Subdermal neural interfaces link the armor directly to the brain, and the instantaneous information relay gives the wearer astounding reflexes. On top of this, most Kamorrans have, for one reason or another, some manner of cybernetic enhancement; the individual pictured here apparently has a knee enhancement, either from an injury or just to improve performance.


DNA points
59 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +5
14 %
50.88 %
13 / 20
12 / 20
7 / 15
5 / 55 / 50 / 5
0 / 54 / 54 / 5
5 / 53 / 53 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

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By killamonjaromon

i wouldnt want to be around this thing when it sneezes...

By herbs123

what happened to the old kamorran?

By Williamtitan2

This is totaly awesome! Bravo!

By Faizeo

good job!!!

By herbs123

I like the the old kamorran better,but this one is goodcanyou make a corinthian front?

By hendrixWinter


By Sokudenai

Thanks for the post, but I messed up the name. The fixed version is posted now.

By 94Brandon14

This looks very detailed and amazing! R

By cormorana

cool! r+!

By 63hunter63

This is great, 10/10. Hey can you see my new Huntarion Disk, it isquite simple, but I want to know your opinion, you don't have to look, but it would be nice.

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