a poets work is never done

By thegreatcreator9
09/29/2010 - 23:11:24

Type: House building
Rating: 5 (Good)


give a man a fish you feed him for a day. send a man to a macdonalds you feed him for another day.
love thy neighbor.scratch their backs. be awkward.
their are kings and preaists but politicians are who you should feer


By typomazoku

Thanks! Glad you liked the creature I used for the contest announcement. Feel free to make an entry if you want to. =D

By CrazyTigerLady

Give a man a fish feed him for a day. Give a man a pie.... Me: HEY!! GIVE THAT BACK!! *steals pie*

By Zackpac61956

nice peom

By typomazoku

Gah it's true! Politicians are scary!


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