SNS BugRover

By Nomicakes
09/22/2010 - 16:29:21

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: nomicakes, sns


man... I seem to only be able to half-create things now... everything I make seems only partially-built. I get to a point, and realize I can't think of appropriate detailing/weaponry/etc.

Creator's Block blows.


By Reyes1

awesome bike design

By dannydlm

or start using peoples templates again might reinspire you

By luckyburdock

Just a thought - perhaps you should ask for requests? It may inspire you to create something, you never know.

By luckyburdock

This thing is awesome, I certinately know the creator's block feeling (Have it ATM acctually! I have about 5-6 WIP designs just not getting anywhere) but it doesn't appear to be stopping you making awesome stuff.

By Kai-Uwe79

btw. not only on spore ;)

By Kai-Uwe79

the most times i feel like the way you describe here, i close spore for some days. sometimes during doing something else, another idea grows that helps to fullfill older work or give nice different ideas for new things.


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