Phantom gun(concussion rifle)
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By sonikku69
09/16/2010 - 23:23:36
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.73 (Not rated)
Tags: halo reach
The Concussion Rifle is a Covenant weapon that was used during the Fall of Reach. It fires explosive bolts of superheated plasma. When the plasma bolt hits a surface, it produces area-of effect damage and a small "kick" to players and objects.
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By Hydro_Glyph
excellent phantom, just about to start up Reach now actually..
By Sethan777
Fantatsic prop for a adventure! The design looks awesome. R+
By tomographics
Cool gun! Really like the design of it as well as the paint. R+ Thanks for the comment!
By Huntiki
@Pteradon you are correct this gun is orange, but I still like the way it is made:) BTW sonikku69 I buddied you:)
By Zevais
like this gun render, I am officially back now
By Tanith
halo Reach RULEZ and pteradon is right it is orange but i still knew what it was from the png great work
By Pteradon
Actually, I think It Actually Is Orange, I May Be Wrong, I Probably Am :P
By Rastaan
Sure thing, Sonikku! If you do use it though, please remember to give credit. Thanks!
By Covest
tell me what you think about this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsibx6-PiE8afeature=fvw
By Covest
What do you mean by the looks and money comment?
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