DNA Template
Not rated

By CloudKnight1
09/11/2010 - 20:50:00

Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


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By Ashfur

Ren stared at the potentially lethal weapon. Though she appeared disdainful, she was terrified. "Memo: Wolverine wants his claws back."

By Ashfur

Motoko's mouth. "Who?" she asked with fake innocence.

By Ashfur

Motoko blushed, too stunned to do anything. Ren let out a feral snarl and grabbed her away. "Pervert!" She snapped. "Don't try anything with her. "Ane-san," whispered Motoko. "where are Kakeru and Miro? Shouldn't they be-" Ren slapped her hand over

By Ashfur

Ren glared at the lump that was Zen under the blanket. "It better hurt. Just what the hell are you?! And what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Motoko was in a corner, whimpering slightly, clutxhing ber bleeding leg.

By Ashfur

(sry i was afk. back now.)

By Ashfur

tiger standing there. she heard Motoko's wail of pain, too. "Motoko!!" she screamed. Ren grabbed a knife from under her belt and charged at the beast.

By Ashfur

Ren'd tried to push Motoko out of the way, but it was too late. A huge weight was weighting on both of theirir backs. It felt oddly furry. 'Thats, strange,' Ren thought. 'he wasn't wearing fur...' The she crawled from the huge weight and saw a huge, white

By Ashfur

sat back down, blushing as much as she didnt want to.

By Ashfur

She saw him standing there, in all his glory. The red-haired girl who was with Ren earlier was there, too, staring at Zen in awe. Ren looked into his glorious face,. He couldn't look more perfect if he was an angel. She closed the curtains in his face and

By Ashfur

who..........she didnt want to think about it. But maybe it was a good thing. There was no way in hell she was going on a date with a guy who had ripped her shirt to bits.

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