Lambo Lambda
Not rated

By WideWonder
09/01/2010 - 03:34:18

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: aquatic, aquatic stage, gaprop, widewonder


DNA points
70 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +0
1 %
84.16 %
9 / 20
3 / 20
3 / 15
3 / 51 / 52 / 5
2 / 51 / 51 / 5
2 / 50 / 50 / 5
2 / 51 / 5

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By Ocean5Breezey

Remember I will always be watching all of you, rating you up and enjoying your wonderful creations. May God bless each and every one of you. All my love, CrimsonLights

By Ocean5Breezey

If you want to, please feel free to print these commments and let my good friends see them. No one else has to know but you and my good friends. But that is entirely up to you. :) These are my last words to you and my great friends on spore.

By Ocean5Breezey

I will always watch your creations and enjoy them. I will always rate you up even though I can no longer leave you comments. Thank You for being my friend. My love and my prayers will always be with you. :)

By Ocean5Breezey

I wish you the best of luck on spore. I am finding new buddies because I know that Techno will be watching what my old buddies do and I don't want him to know what my new screen name is.

By Ocean5Breezey

Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it. I feel that I can now put this mess behind me and go on with my creating on spore. I am so sorry that Techno will probably continue to downrate my friends. :( I cant' stop him. I wish I could. :(

By Ocean5Breezey

EA will continue to watch him and investigate him. My dad sent them an e-mail and they are taking this very SERIOUSLY!!! Cyberbullying a minor is a serious offense!! But I don't have to tell you that.

By Ocean5Breezey

techno is a grown man. I am a teenager. I am a minor. What he has done is cyberbully a minor playing a children's game. That's HORRIBLE!!!!!

By Ocean5Breezey

I appreciate your listening to me. Again, I am not asking anything from you. I am not asking you to take sides. I just needed you to know the TRUTH!!!! I had to tell someone. I had to find closure to this mess and go on with my life on spore. So now I feel

By Ocean5Breezey

I will now focus on positive things. I will continue to create and have fun with my friends. :) Techno can NOT stop me from doing that. :):)

By Ocean5Breezey

So Techno will continue his campaign of hate against me. He will continue to downrate my friends and blame it on me. He will probably continue to mess with the MPN and blame it on me. I can't stop him.

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