Zeta Hallway
Not rated

By SkaterX
08/29/2010 - 00:11:18

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: 524interiorspacetemplate, adventure, awesome, errick524, skaterx, zeta


Made for Errick524's Xycide Adventure. Made By:SkaterX


By Errick524

But the complexity needs to be a litttttle bit down. :l I Hate complexity meters... Ruining games since 1996... D:

By Errick524

Could you make more? Like a Control room, Engine room, Captain's room. Then make a small spaceship in GA with it all? Then You'd win! You have the best chance at winning, but without all the materials, The Runner Up would win.

By Errick524

This Is Cool :D Nice Job! And I SUCK at Making Humans xD


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