Brahmawide Mech Drone

By Stormwind
08/23/2010 - 08:03:07

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 2.65 (Good)
Tags: ai, bovine, brahma, drone, mech, small, tiny, wide


I saw small mechs and was inspired to make my own :DThe Brahmawide Mech Drone is a small, A.I. driven mech used primarily as support for larger, more lethal mechs during conflict. Designed by Olno' Labreid Imperial engineers, the Brahmawide mech drone is equipped with two shoulder base thrusters allowing the drone to reach speeds of up to 3,029 mph, heat vents for keeping electronics from melting during flight, a double chambered vacuum momentum mass driver on the left arm and a small precision laser cannon on the right arm, triple pedal pressure "feet" with hydraulics and a 200 degree rotation base that allows for, as you may readily assume, 200 degree torso rotation. During the initial failed invasion of Brakusses, these drones were damaged, captured and re configured by Blue Iris Resistance engineers for their own use.


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By BlueLiquidPlus

Very cool, I like the legs and feet they're always hard to pull off :)

By CorpusDei

Again - under-rated... R+

By Hilight

Well done mech R+!

By Tanith

go to drpepper.com and go to the promotions tab then type in the code if it still wont work then let me know and ill give u another

By ProcyonGuardian

likin da shapes here man, thanks for the comment :)

By Bioraptr

I agree completely with bjpiers. This is incredible. Just incredible. Actually, it's so amazing that you deserve TWELVE cakes for this. That's right, TWELVE. All with pink frosting and obscene amounts of awesomesauce. Props, man.

By bjpiers

(continued) so gave up also what really made me mad was that the Grox were re-building what I destroyed! GRRR! Stupid Grox! I pretty shore I will never deffeat the Grox but theres much more to Spore then deffeating the Grox. :)

By bjpiers

Hey Stormwind, I've been wondering about this: Have you ever deffeated the Grox or allied with them? In one of my saved games, I destroyed half a quarter of the Grox empire, It took me a long time but then I realized I had about another 1000 sytems to go!

By Tanith

i like ur mechs so i will give u a bot parts code vr3vdlbj3trs to see what u can make with those parts

By Tanith

sweet mech design

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