Tretellia Shipyards HARB-672

By Alex27123344
08/20/2010 - 01:35:01

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 12.5 (Good)
Tags: alex27123344, armor, armored, big, bomber, fast, hull, long range, thick, tretellia, tretellia shipyards, versatile, weapon


Heavily Armored Ranged Bomber. Tretellia Shipyards designed this craft to be an extremely versatile tool in combat. With its thick hull and powerful engines, this bomber is capable of flying far distances, even under fire, to deliver its payload.


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By luckyburdock

Very nice work - deffinerly looks heavily armoured!

By Gamer224

Please check out my new stuff.

By Hybrid-X13

WOW!! Awesome spaceship!! Great detailing!! Love the design!! Thx for the comment!! :D

By cormorana

thanks and ncie creation r+!

By tomographics

Great little description with each ship that you make! It makes them seem as though they could be real. R+

By nerdles

i will get back to creating as soon as i can man, lol i miss it. i'm still here, just "on vacation" from spore for a bit sadly

By nerdles

this is an outstanding tretellia ship!! and looks like a wonderfully designed bomber too man, R+ for sure, excellent design!!

By nerdles

i really want to get back to creating, and i check the website to see what my friends have made periodically but sadly i don't have enough time quite yet to get much done :(

By nerdles

hey bro, sorry i've been away from creating, trying to get work done that i really have been needing to do (getting ready for college blows)

By Hilight

Good stuff here R+! - I'd like to invite you to participate in the SNS-VCC Design-A-Ship Challenge. If you're interested, you can read about it over on my page

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