
By Hydro_Glyph
08/08/2010 - 00:06:21

Type: Captain
Rating: 2.24 (Good)
Tags: dark matter, ghouls, hydro_glyph, revenant, ubd, unfamiliar, yes i write this stuff


'Abandon morality, expend the flesh to abolish harmony, deliver the ignorant into the unnavigable darkness of the abyss.' -Decrypted Revenant Cipher
........................................................................... Once a Revenant has emerged from the remnants of its Seeker, it will have established a subliminal influence over all surrounding Ghouls. Taking immediate control of these monstrous subordinates, a Revenant master has the ability to willfully manipulate throngs of the recently anointed, as well as any of the newly infected, sending them to their demise. In most cases a single Revenant could be overtaken by a well equipped salvage crew, assuming they have a solid tactical strategy and ample hardware. In these situations a Revenant has few options, either converting the ignorant by force, or use the anointed masses as a distraction, in a bid to make a retreat.
____________________________________________________ #1 MPN 8/8/10, Thank you everyone for rating and commenting.


DNA points
57 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +5
34 %
90.28 %
9 / 20
7 / 20
7 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
4 / 51 / 53 / 5
4 / 54 / 54 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By bart88

you make realy cool creatures! i was looking for some creations that are more sinister and "dark" than usuall... and here they are! great work.

By adamj607

stop makin everyone look like FAILZ

By baconbrooke

crazy cool O.o clever whip

By 67yum1

How do you make your description longer? I have alot of stuff to say about my latest one, but I just get cut off and can't finish it and it ends up sounding weird.

By ShadowHowl

whoa, thats sick, awesome detailing

By killereel

Great job! I like the way his body burst open! I also like the whip.

By RosalieCreation

Your stuff is awesome =)

By aawesomeh

remonds me of nightmare, AWESOME :D

By MrMoney1

Revenant Deathraider of the Stars :3

By BobTheDemolisher

O_O woah thats creepy

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