Holocaust Mech
Not rated
08/04/2010 - 00:41:56
Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.94 (Not rated)
Tags: soylentgreen
The Holocaust Mech was designed to "remove" an entire city with one strike.
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By Gogo5455
Death from above! R plus, love the head!
By mustachioz75
Amazing Mech! Ignore what people say about the name, they jump to conclusions too quickly. It has a great design. You should build others of the same design with different paint jobs as well.
By Tanith
SWEET eyes
By J-man66
Beautiful and destructive, my kind of toy. R+
By Descardion
Take it from a fellow pro-mech builder: This is a fine piece of work. The leg design really, REALLY reminds me of SQUIRM77's work, though. But that's fine. R+
By Descardion
People are so quick to cry "IAMOFFENDED!". Holocaust simply means widespread ruin. Sigh...
By Orsapolska
Haha, awesome mech! Great name, too. I don't care what the others say >:D
@maximus717- creators like you are always ready to be offended. Well, the truth is that the Word "Holocaust only means destruction or ruination. I have'nt implied anything else.
By maximus717
Ok sorry for the misunderstanding, I guess I need to work on my vocab a little more!
By maximus717
I find this creation offensive and request that you delete it asap.
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