Enough Is Enough
Not rated

By kiwi224
07/29/2010 - 05:36:50

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: announcement, detailed, dragon, enough is enough, kiwi224, posed, read description


I have to say that enough is ENOUGH. I'm seeing many people everyday getting downrated constantly, and my buddies as well! What happened to the once peaceful spore community I once knew?? Yeah, downraters, when you downrate, what does that do?? Yeah, makes a red face, but what now? You, people, need to GET A LIFE. Dedicating your spore time downrating innocent creators is the wrongest thing to do. People, this is a KIDS game for crying out loud! So stop acting like idiots and pansies. If you're a victim of any downrater I suggest you follow these important tips. If you're being cyber-bullied, downrated, or anything else of the matter just IGNORE them! If you didn't, well, that's disappointing. Then all your buddies are involved, and it's just too much mahem. Downraters are just out there to get attention! They either insult you and wait for an insulting comment back from you to aggravate the situation. So please take these tips seriously and next time, ignore them, and eventually they'll give up.


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By rfc1542

yes,my adventure the Terrors has been dawnrated and i used so much time to only think how it was going to be

By comee1

um, what about hackers O.o


yeah , my traveler mech has been downrated:'(((( and i put so much effort in it!

By Tandra123

effing down raterS!!!! ive never ben rated though

By Neowulf03

attacks some downraters on this page write now

By WebmasterWilliam

i barelly get any rates but no down rates yet just requests from snowx

By kiwi224

[CONT.]- trolls that have no life whatsoever.

By kiwi224

@takuanuve: I do understand the fact that people give their opinions. But NOT by spending their entire day downrating and mass-uprating the alts that are on Spore now. You are talking about a different downrater. The downraters I see are the drama-causing

By kiwi224

@takuanuve: You do know this was made LAST year? That is not my point as well. I WAS trying to say how to AVOID the trolls that loom around Spore nowadays. I'm also talking about the drama between all the downraters that downrate at least -50 or more.

By takuanuve

Well, perhaps they downrated something because... well... THEY DIDN'T LIKE IT!? Thats the whole point of it! if you don't like something you rate it down in order to share your opinion! LEARN SOMETHING! STOP WHINING!

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