The Devil's Luck
Not rated

By Ringeltree
07/23/2010 - 20:25:00

Type: Economic water vehicle
Rating: 1.13 (Not rated)
Tags: pirate ship, pirates, ship, sporescavengerhunt2010, tall ship, wooden


The 12 gun Devil's Luck had thirteen captains in her time. Two died in battle, one was knifed in a bar, three perished of various diseases, and one disappeared in a storm. The rest retired rich or drunk, or both.


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I really love your ship, the whole thing was so well detailed and was surprised it didn't place! Thanks so much for those gracious and kind comments.

By sErgEantaEgis

Funny description!Nice ship!

By Jadynna

YEP I aree with WP!!! fantastic!!! :)

By world_piece

This is a very fine example of ship building. The sails are nicely proportioned and arranged.

By gorm417

i have a feeling that when your in a ship like this luck dosn't matter

By UltimateZob

Nice entry... I really like how you did its sails.

By Beaker73

Classic pirate ship! Love the detailing with the guns, the deck, and the flags.

By poogly

Thanks for the hotdog comment. I have a few more, which i think I'll upload right now.

By poogly

Amazing detail work yet again, Ringeltree! There isn't asingle detail you missed. Unlike you, I suck in any vehicle editor! XD!!!!

By tomographics

Nice ship! The details are fantastic. R+

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