![Not rated](skin/rating_neutral.png)
By treverbyn
07/22/2010 - 16:32:57
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.11 (Not rated)
Tags: and, cities, colonies, of, spore, sporecast, treverbyn
Ok, sorry if this seems a little bossy in places but I just want to lay down a few groundrules as to creating adventures for my CACOS Sporecast to make things more streamline and enjoyable for myself and easier for you guys: 1 ? Can you add my city/colony adventure to your Sporecast? ? Yes, providing that it meets the criteria below and the lineage confirms that the city is your own and not ?borrowed? from somebody else. 2 ? How long will it take for you to add my city? ? Most likely several weeks. I have to look over every adventure and currently have quite a long list to get through so please be patient. I have am not 12 years old, I have a life, a job etc neither of which revolve around Spore. Remember I want to play the game and create stuff too! I will get round to looking at your adventure so please don?t send me comments every other day demanding why I haven?t looked at it or begging to get to the front of the queue. It won?t help and I do keep a list of all adventures which are requested to be added, so I won?t have forgotten about you, I simply haven?t got to you yet.3 ? Does the city have to be a template? ? No, any adventure is fine providing that it contains a reasonable city or colony. 4 ? Can I recommend an adventure? ? Yes, you can recommend either one of yours or a friend?s just be sure to tell me the name of the adventure and preferably a link to it. I don?t want to be trawling through your 150 adventures looking for it. I will also ignore comments or requests which just say ?Can you look at my adventures?? the answer will be no unless you tell me which one. 5 ? Does my idea for a city have to be original? ? No, as long as the city is your own creation i.e. not stolen then it is ok. Though obviously I prefer your own creative ideas to Human cities or sci-fi shows, any are acceptable. The one exception being ?Clark and Stanley? adventures, they will be an automatic no. 6 ? Does my city have to be well made? ? Though I?m not expecting every city to be a Parkaboy or Grimbot standard city or colony. I do however expect that you spend a little bit of time in creating and testing it, making it the best you can, ironing out any glitches or problems and in making it look good. To open a city adventure and see buildings with corners sticking miles out of the ground, bad grammar and poorly positioned buildings isn?t brilliant.7 ? You said review cities, what does that mean? ? As I said, it simply means that I want to have a look at your city, to check it is a) contains a city and b) is suitable for addition to my Sporecast.8 ? What if you say no to adding my adventure? ? This is not uncommon so don?t worry about it. I?m a bit of a perfectionist and it simply means that I think you could improve apon your city design before showing off your handy work to the rest of the galaxy. I will always give feedback on all cities/colonies which I review and reasons for or for not adding an adventure. Mostly it will be for cosmetic details such as buildings which don?t fit on the terrain they?re placed on or a recommendation to add music/creatures/interesting details. Once you?ve done, upload it, let me know and I will be happy to take another look. 9 ? Tip - Please make sure that you take care when placing buildings relative to the terrain. One of my pet hates is seeing cities with buildings which don?t fit together properly or have sides/corners/bottoms sticking out of the ground at odd angles. That will lead to your adventure being declined for the time being. Take a look at my ?Federation City Template? to see how I like buildings to be positioned relative to the ground.10 ? Pirates or Ninjas? ? Pirates :)
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By veeep
Continued: its from a destroyed empire but most of the original City biuldings are in line and all that apart from the castle but I think It would fit In your Sporecast nicely.should be finnished very soon.
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I Have A new Adventure In the making thats called Snow Village(at the monent) I know its more of a story not a coloniy but it is set on one,the biuldings arenet lined up because
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Check out my Galactic commission headquarters city in "Voyage of Solace Ep1".
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Hey Trever i made a Xenoplanet called Xenoplanet Mobis it's humor is cude but works plz add it
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I have an adventure called Survival. It's not the best, but it's very elaborate. If you take a look at my efforts, I hope it pleases you. If you don't, I'll understand that too. Whatever floats your boat...
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Could you please look at my template "Spacewalk City Template"? Thank you.
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Treverbyn, could you check out my adventure "A great holiday (not!)".
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Its called adventure town 2 it an attack mission.
By Planetmaster1601
Could you consider "A great holiday (not!)" please. I'm not certain if it is big enough to count, but try it out.
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