
By Ringeltree
07/20/2010 - 04:04:16

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 2.87 (Good)
Tags: abstract, blue, gaprop, geometric, geometry, green, quadratic, quadric


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By God-mod

to create a organic shape from inorganic shpes.............BRILIANT!!!

By Cre8r198


By Crazyguy69

yeah i dont even know what my comment means. i was even confused and I WAS THE ONE WHO WROTE IT! so yeah. i confuse ppl A LOT. and that is the truth my friend

By Crazyguy69

lemme guess. an entry to an undiscovered dimension of parralell universes duplicating by the second to which the forces of gravity and time and space itself to which it wil reverse into the sands of time and destroy which whom enters and reenters?

By phhbhg

amazing..................................im so sad right now

By ozzyman

Woah, look at it from the top and zoom in and out... Just woah...

By Fire_Lemon5000


By Jailen

Very nice! it's an illusion in spore! can't imagine how hard this is to make!

By TheBuzzard

That is weird... so curved, yet so straight...

By SolarFlare305

Very cool, looks like an intricate trunk of a tree.

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