Guess What

By Vultrio
07/08/2010 - 12:49:01

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2.55 (Good)
Tags: gaprop, really ticked off


It's happened again, can't write long descriptions and I really am ticked off. What makes this even more annoying is that I just finished The Letal Clans Bio and History creations :/ (bare in mind I can't do symbols in Spore so Letal is pronounced wrong)


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By OverActor

Oh no.... that is hard on you! Are you gonna be alright. I know how it gets to you if you can't write.

By Spartacular

Man, that must be annoying. =/

By Alex25695

hmm i know quite a few little tricks but i dont know how 2 solve this issue :S sorry.. hope somebody can help saw that u had the same prob be4 :(

By zombiemad

huh annoying i can NEVER write long descriptions and please acept my gift called trueds (a gift for vultrio)

By cormorana


By Zevais

sorry if the message is cut-and-pastelike, I'm pretty ill, it may be a while before I get around again

By Icarax

If you get this, Collision is up.

By Exoskeleten

Pleas look at creation return of Exoskeleten.

By sonicwildfire

ooo darkspore

By sonicwildfire

when i download it it doesnt exist lol dunno whats going on

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