Techno 605; If I May Interject
Not rated

By Puglin
07/04/2010 - 06:32:29

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.83 (Not rated)
Tags: im pretty sure it's actually life0nmars, puglin, shh., techno605


And even if I mayn't. Guys, you may have noticed that "TECHNO605--DOWNRATING ADDICT" creation buzzing around the MPN. You may also have noticed, like me, that it isn't the real techno who posted it. First of all, it was shared by one techno6O5. Here's a link to her spore page: http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/techno6O5 Note the conspicuous lack of creations. Turns out Someone (Not naming any names here) made an alternate account with the name techno6O5 (using an O rather than a zero) and then made that wierdly pink creation to frame the real techno for downrating. Now, I don't know how many people took that creation seriously, but it's just not fair that anyone tried to bring a good creator's name into disrepute like that. So, this creation is just to say, it's Definitely Not techno605 who posted that creation, and he isn't a downrating whore.


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By Godzilla355

The FAke Techo, is dumb as hell. Im sorry to say it, but I think that she/he should stop downrating some really good creations, just to make her college ass look good to all of her Spore buddies. Im not sure if I understand this 100% though.

By Gortcha

C'est très jolie, bon boulot ! / Very pretty, good job ! ... :))

By techno605

Hey bud:) I'm no longer going to let the cyberbully win:) You guys/girls (The Spore community) have shown so much support over the past few days! So i've decided to stay:) Thank you very much for your support:)

By Plumcat

Are you anti-LOM too? I know a few LOM alts... I just need confirmation, that's all.

By Betterthanyou

I'm not afraid of being downrated :) In fact, ever since I got popular I've been downrated a ton. But I ignore it. These people have to understand. You don't need to be a hero to stop them. Why go down fighting if you can win without it? No offense to anyo

By Betterthanyou

Man, so much has been happening around the same time.....Oi, for once, I feel bad for maxis.

By zequim

Personally, I don't think Maxis actually KNOWS what to do.


@Stchurdak LOM (LifeOnMars) pretended to be nice as long as everyone buddied up to her. Anyone who didn't, she trolled and flamed.


Shoot, the forum crashed as I was saving a comment to your post.

By Stchurdak

Wow you go man I am with you! But I have one question isn't LifeOnMars supposed to be a good creator that's what my friend said and if so why would she do that?

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