UBD_Hellspawn of Nightmares

By Jaconan
06/30/2010 - 22:09:12

Type: Creature
Rating: 6.56 (Good)
Tags: gaprop


I tried my best to get the gore effects on the serrated throat right and the horns perfect, but it didnt work out. if you report this fo extreme nudity and excessive violence and use of drugs, then I understand.______________________________Page 3 MPN in a few hours. Thank you all for the rates, but seriously? Lol, ive been getting uprates a lot from you guyslately, which im grateul for, but this erally shouldnt be up there lol. Thanks anyways though :)


DNA points
44 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +1
5 %
26.54 %
7 / 20
4 / 20
5 / 15
1 / 53 / 50 / 5
4 / 51 / 55 / 5
2 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Rikyudoo

Nice ubd man, looks a rat...R+

By lemonsocksbob

you can report for drug use wtf XD

By SpaceCow27

Cool, i like the eyes and mouth. What's so inapprioatte about?

By Wag88

dude, really. your SO going to get banned for this one

By Ccreatorr

Very funny creation! I love it! :)

By zonkal

Thanks for your kind words Jaco, I don't think I'll get many more though... ;)

By Monk177

i have told her to man up she still hacks my file she was the one who copyed those 8-bit things and i didnt know tht when u make a creation its owned by ea games buts its kinda anoying when poeple copy u and dont stop im sorry i had to bring this problem u

By mynameisfish14

It IS the hellspawn of nightmares. Rats, the filthy little pets of the devil himself. All of them should go to places where we can't see them!

By Parkaboy

Best UBD creation ever.

By BongoBongo123

yeah this is pretty cool !! awesome job

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