NCL Coalburner

By Nomicakes
05/20/2010 - 23:45:42

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.86 (Good)
Tags: ecko09, luckyburdock, ncl, nomicakes, shattari


The latest in military hardware to come from the NomicakeTechnology Laboritories, the Coalburner possesses a rather unique weapon system. Six high-energy output slits channel heat and radiation from the ships engines, focusing it into the twin shells fired from the forward railguns. Complemented by four Capital-ship class IR torpedoes, the Coalburner is a devastating mid-range fighter/bomber.

New design techniques thanks to creators such as Luckyburdock, Shattari, and Ecko09. If you haven't seen their creations, I suggest you take a look.


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By noname117

sorry i havn't commented on some of these. i have too many buddies and can't comment on their stuff. also, i am not to creative with comments. but i can say that these are awesome (see, i'm not so creative with comments)

By UberScribe

hey thr thx for yer comments and ya alot of my ships destroy the complexity meter its not evn funny lol and nice one here i like the details r+

By ortizc98

wao, its asome


amazing spaceship!

By luckyburdock

Another excellently detailed ship - your ships are really starting to look very Shattari-esque! (Not in a 'copycat' way, but in a really, really detailed way). Also thanks for mentioning me in the description - although I can't see any of my techniques.

By 95megatron

Cool, design and nice shape

By Reyes1

fantastic ship. I like the non-conventional shape of the body of the ship. Great paint job to R+

By Achates72

Well put together. Looks very utilitarian. Not plastic or strange. Top line work.

By Dragonseye

Slick. Love the description, great concept. Great work as usual. :)

By nerdles

great idea! really like this one :)

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