Not rated

By Kaleon
05/12/2010 - 05:52:47

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: bomber, kaleon, kamorra, warsong


Kamorrans aren't known for their subtlety, and the MA-280 Warsong long range bomber exemplifies this. The name "Warsong" comes from the noise its engines make as heard from the ground, announcing its presence with a piercing wail. Kamorrans are divided over whether the sound is beautiful or horrid, but the bomber's targets unanimously find it terrifying.


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By Sd3Dart

Warsong Gulch? (world of warcraft)

By krcmar

As usual you have a great way to make your stuff uniqe, good job (can't belive I noticed this now)

By binkiedontaskwhy

very sleek. looks seamless.


Very nice. Very realistic. Very .... I don't want to see that flying at me.

By Rrazam


By Fatalis99

cool futuristic look!

By luckyburdock

This is an epic jet - the shape is prefectly constructed! I think it may perhaps require a bigger intake though, but it's still a fantastic creation.

By Kyte636

I like this, this is one of my faves of your vehicles, you do such awesome work! R++++

By stillerjoseph

Nice bomb ports (I think) on the belly. Good shape overall.

By Bestiary13

I love the description, very sleek as usual. R+

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