UBD~Biofazar Archfiend
Not rated

By ImperialMeteora
05/09/2010 - 13:57:26

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.22 (Not rated)
Tags: gift 4, imperialmeteora, lichendragon, projekt rebirth, ubd, undergroundbydesign


[A gift for one of my biggest fans,lichendragon.he's a great friend and i haven't given him enough credit.to lichendragon,and check out his stuff,he isnt half bad]the biofazer is a common predator in the galaxy of StabIro-6,on the jungle planet of 5t-d.it is known for its blazing speed and how it doesn't need to eat for a large time period.they are practicly never going to be extinct,and there is one strange reason behind this;the dense forests are linked with the biofazars,and the biofazer itself is 60% plant,40% intelligence.its genetic structure is basically made up of molds,fungal infections,and dead plants,and u can see the proof of that by the remnants on its back and chest.only the females have a "nest" on there back as this one does,because the females carry the food,any important items,and the species' babies that way.the extra pieces of skin are known for their clorophyll skin.this gives them 80% of the energy in there day,and is the main reason why they aren't active at night,which is killer to them.all the plants on the planet that require sunlight seem to "die" when nightfall arises,causing all the lush,tropical climate to become slightly chilled and pitch black,where some other creepy crawlers come out to eat...


DNA points
73 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +5
45 %
47.86 %
9 / 20
12 / 20
8 / 15
2 / 55 / 50 / 5
0 / 54 / 54 / 5
4 / 53 / 54 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

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By Fallinleaves

The head is nothing but pure EPIC! It looks like it's wearing a hat! R !

By Shibby1313

Thanks for the comments. When are you going to make something new?

By Serevanth

Good to hear from you, looks like Donald97 is quite the admirer!

By Serevanth

I really like the head on this and the cool looking shoulders, great paint and colors too!

By Rikyudoo

Excellent UBD, i love the green/yellow color, i love UBD, and creating UBD R+

By ImperialMeteora

@EVERYONE:ok so this fool commands me too make him a gift.even tho hes just a freaky fan who i dont like.u really think me getting unsubbed is bad?ill make something new and get like 30 more!haha and spore is just fun,unlike u spore is ur life,i barely pla

By Donald97

You say you perpouslly won't make me a gift EVER now? Well, guess what, meanie? Unsubbed.

By Hyena96

Lol, good job getting grounded! XD

By ThanathosNecros

Perfect, dude. The color pattern is as fitting and realistic as ever and the description...OMg.......That's a long description... Great one!

By BloodSerpent

awesome+buddied. R+

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