Green River Herp
Not rated

By ashkelon
05/03/2010 - 03:13:58

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.95 (Not rated)
Tags: ashkelon, prine, soda


We did not ask you here, and none of you were welcome on our land. You came for sport. You thought you came "for your health". Now that IS a joke! If not for the Bishops, who knows what would have happened? But we bespoke our God, and yours as well.


DNA points
89 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +3
17 %
58.6 %
13 / 20
12 / 20
7 / 15
1 / 53 / 52 / 5
4 / 53 / 55 / 5
5 / 53 / 50 / 5
3 / 53 / 5

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By 96joe123

Its nice that you play the game rather than fuss over the MPN. Nice colouring and tail :)

By Wolfen_Dragon

Luv the head! Great pose and colors too! Excellent wings and detailing too! R+

By ogichi_seo

its really wierd story, i was making groups of test creatures and the squid and i saw the pic i wanted to use and every creatures spine was shaped so similar to what i wanted it to be. so wierd,well anyways thank u again

By ogichi_seo

and clusters are always good.

By ogichi_seo

if you put a knurldown on the center of something(spine, leg acting as tail) then hit tab and prop them up it makes a pattern

By ogichi_seo

thanks ash! id really like to see you make ur best non-game creature. these hints as to how i do mine may not help but ill tell u

By Smashgoat

Ashkelon! Long time no see! I like this creature a lot :) I hope you get to creating soon! I took many months off myself, almost nothing since January! :D

By antipyrene

Good color and tail, love the use of the cell mouth as a crest on the head

By ogichi_seo

wat u think of ma scary things?

By UltimateZob

Great coloration... and nice head design!! Also, that's an interesting description.

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