Eyebentor Pets!
Not rated

By XtremeNUMBER1
04/30/2010 - 20:39:00

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: empire, eyebentorr, gkguild, glasspinne, grox, groxkiller585, ham11, ingamesporestories, killer, padsmen, pounder1


Captian Eyetorr placed a Colony accidentally in the middle of a group of different creatures.As the colonists walked out of the city hall, they ignored the wild animals and just went on with their daily activities. (REAL IN-GAME STORY!)



Awesome!The cage is awesomely detailed (( of course)). I'm sorry to say someone stole it. It was fighterpatrick.

By XtremeNUMBER1

@ham11: that is true. the Eyebentorr Empire is the largest empire i have, with the most stories to tell me! they are definitly my favorite empire.

By Ham11

Cool! It really seems like you like these Eyebentorrs :D


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