The Great Spode Wars
Not rated


By Aragol
04/18/2010 - 23:06:39

Type: Template adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: gkguild


Part One: So it Begins
Two religious nations have lived peacfully for many generations. That is soon about to change.....



By zh1942

To whomever thinks the cross is offensive: It was a common torture method before it happened to you-know-who. Its not like he was the first or last one who experienced it. The Roman Empire often did such to misbehaven slaves and prisoners of war.

By Aragol

gonna do a remak before part 2

By cormorana


By Terami

Go ahead use all the planets!

By Aragol

sorry that its so hard...

By Sybbyl

cool! (it is abit hard to finish btw!)

By Urnam7

Just so you should know, the cross thing is little offensive to me so you may want to edit it...


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