Nomicakes' Mailbox
Not rated

By Nomicakes
04/11/2010 - 03:46:15

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.54 (Not rated)
Tags: mailbox, nomicakes


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By shiverbeast

Dak:Oooooooooooooo....What is it?Grayson:IT SAYS IT IS A STINKIN' MAILBOX YOU IDIOT!!!!Dak:You don't need to yell...

By simeball

yea I'm working on something different but I'm stuck, don't see which way I should take it, might set it aside and come back with a fresh mind.

By simeball

hey if you want to use that engine help yourself, I did click on the "share" button.

By simeball

hey Nomi, I had a thought today of a ship you could make, its a Vorlon ship from the scifi series Babylon 5, there are several types to chose from, and you can find images of them on the web, I think you could make it look better than I could. try it.

By Bagelthief239


By simeball

a big thank you!I'll try it and see what happens,btw this is a cool mail box, did you think of making a small spaceship flying into a hanger?that might be neat.

By Nomicakes

No comment loss!

By Nomicakes

If it's just a typo error on a description, you can edit it on the Spore.com site. Just go to "See all in Sporepedia" for your own creations, click on the one you want to edit the description, and viola!

By simeball

ok I've got a question,the description on "Songblade" looks like you amended it after you sent it to the server,did you loose any comments when you did that?I've got a type-o thats driving me nuts and I don't want to lose your comments on it.

By federking


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