'98 Corvette
Not rated

By ELolli
04/04/2010 - 21:25:16

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: 90's, american, auto, blue, car, chevy, corvette, elolli, sports


By hojayora

awesome. my uncle is the only person in west Australia who services corvettes. workshop is loaded with these and stingrays. :)

By 95screenname13

Pretty good! Great job with the body shape and the headlights look great!

By sithbantha23


By L1G3R

not bad, great job on the headlights

By pokemonpikachu1


By ELolli

This glitched and said I used the freedom cheat (which I didn't). So I hope it still works...


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