NCC Insada Prototype

By hellothere2
04/03/2010 - 21:10:31

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.73 (Good)
Tags: cool, craft, future, hellothere2, luxury, ncc, ship, space, spaceyachtcontest, yacht


(For codyr's Luxury Space Yacht Contest) The Insada is a prototype craft from Neo Cosmic Corp. This solar sail space yacht was designed to be a slow but very comfortable ride. Though the main engine can push it along at a faster pace, it takes up too much power for deep space travel. Includes a small entertainment center, a kitchen, five bedrooms, and a bridge.


By Seanmeister

Maybe I'll try an Alien adventure, then... It seems you just haven't gotten around to creating anything recently? I just hope that you're not going to leave forever...

By blademc2

cool. do you still play? i just started playing again recently:o

By bear90

how are you?

By bear90

AWESOME! great ship i like the design!R+++

By foreverpiping

Very sleek design! looks like a yacht for sure..nice work! r+ ?

By Seanmeister

And I love this, btw. The sails are teh pwn and the slender, sleek design is awesome!

By codyr2391

Why not take the time and enjoy space travel? The sails are great looking! R+

By Reyes1

Wicked ship design. I wonder how much one would cost .p.s Yeah I'm trying to stay an active member of spore. I try to release a creation a week, though its getting harder to do


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