NCC Altis
Not rated

By hellothere2
03/27/2010 - 18:06:17

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.33 (Not rated)
Tags: cool, craft, future, hellothere2, luxury, ncc, ship, space, spaceyachtcontest, yacht


(For codyr's Luxury Space Yacht Contest) The first ship in the Neo Cosmic Corp fleet, the Altis Luxury Space Yacht. This yacht includes twenty five rooms, a spa, a small movie theater, a pool, a kitchen, a com center, and a bridge. It also features a solar-skylight which is basically a transparent solar panel that can be used to collect energy and for viewing the stars. The skylight can be fitted to work as an observatory as well. It runs on a high-speed accelerated particle drive. This makes space travel quick and comfortable. (I worked a lot on the engine so please take a look at it in the editor)


By Hav0c54

Huh. I was going to make a ship very similar to this, not too long ago. What you did was far superior, though. A swimming pool in space? Epic.

By Reyes1

fantastic luxury ship design .p.s thanks for the comment, haha honestly I don't have a clue what the little big planet thing is, I don't own a ps3

By Seanmeister

Oh, I just meant your series of vehicles; they look great! I actually just fixed my Spore yesterday, and it was alot simpler than I thought it would be, so I expect to be returning and creating again very soon. ^^

By Seanmeister

Wow, extraordinary from the mini image, but my Spore hasn't been working for a while so I can't view it in-game. But this is a great series of yships you've got going! :)

By _Cepholapoid_

Looks kind of like my Gragon Ambassador cruiser! Great work!

By parasite123

Make sure you tag it with spaceyachtcontest nextime! Good luck!

By codyr2391

Ok, I will check it out closer. I like the idea of a transparent solar panel hull :)


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