Not rated
By Samdaman785
03/27/2010 - 13:03:13
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 2 (Not rated)
Tags: attack, automatic, gauss, machine gun, rifle, samdaman785, smg, sst
Due to the military success of the Gauss Rifle, it was modified to use a smaller round and to have a larger magazine.
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By KillerWolf572
reminds me of halo (dont have halo but i have seen people play it)
By Loonquawl
Awesome looking prop
By webb12
Awesome! I love this new gauss technology you're starting!
By maestroo97
Yup, no CaC! I wanted to make an adventure for the masses! :D
By maestroo97
I just finished an adventure that I have been workig on since Nov. Do you think you could try it out?
By elh79
thats awesome! have you played endless war?