
By Samdaman785
03/19/2010 - 18:28:23

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: samdaman785, update


Webb12, an SST creator, has been suffering from downraters. If you can please help him and up rate his newest adventure, SST-exodus, it would be appreciated.


By odDballL

They are everywhere and some of us are doing our best to support one another against the onslaught.

By webb12

Whew! Thanks, i really needed that. apologies to blargle, i just found out how to rate without playing. I'm going to make sure that the next one involves sst some more.

By ExcaIibur

Thank you for the nice comments. I'm flattered that you give me so much credit. I'm currently working on a couple of creations for a contest and will be out in a day or so. Thanks. =)

By Groxian3000

First of all i got my code at a hospital of all places... second, make sure you select spore as your rewards thingamajiger.

By hootie880


By blargle

He thinks I'm the one who was downrating him because I was the only one who played them. Yeah, they have problems, but they had good content, so I uprated him, but it did now good.

By delayedreaction

REPLY_I'm an Australian actually :)

By DH106

The problem is that I can only see the description page d/t lack of GA.


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