Advanced technique's
Not rated
By muckoguy
03/14/2010 - 01:02:25
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.44 (Not rated)
Tags: amazing, awesome, better, cool, copyright2010, creator, effects, helpful, killer fun, lazar, muckoguy, play, rivalry, sets, shoop da whoop, space, special, underwater, xarth
Need better stratigies? Do you know how to change the screen into a cosmic burst of microscopic orginism's? How about placing set's in space or how to place your set underwater? Come to reda tech industries for all your adventure experties.
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By Wanguri
do i post the secret code here?
By ThesaurusRex176
I like it, but I kept getting lost in the "space room" part. Also, I noticed that there was a part where you didn't fill it up completely with blocks, and it showed a space sky. Why not use that instead?
By Rebecca1208
Please don't spam me :/